Thank you Food Stamp Challenge Participants!

Thanks to everyone who took part in the Challenge. We hope that this has been a valuable experience for you and that it has encouraged awareness, thought and discussion about hunger, food insecurity and poverty in Colorado. This has been a very successful effort.

If this has been a positive experience for you, we encourage you to contact your member of Congress and Senators Salazar and Allard to ask them to support and strengthen the Food Stamp Program during reauthorization this summer and tell them a little about your experiences during the challenge.


Anonymous said...

It is really sad that awareness has to be raised in order for people to understand that just under 4 bucks is too little per person/day.

The wealthier you become the blinder you become. Thank goodness I didn't live there during my hardest years. My state wasn't much better, but they weren't trying to punish the poor. Wake-up! Now wonder it is so tough for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.

Anonymous said...

Well said.